My stressed out comrades:
I started Crammys to be an outlet of procrastination for both me and all of Williamsia (the nation of Williams? Bear with me here, I'm cracked out) during midterms and finals time. Of course, this is a catch-22 because writing Crammys takes a bit of time, which I have very little of during finals.
I'll get you guys a great blog post very, very soon, but in the mean time I feel obliged to offer something to those looking to do absolutely anything but their homework. Soo...
Here. You're welcome.
It'll either make you feel way, way smarter and proud of your superior academic abilities, or the stupidity of these kids could noticeably lower your IQ just by association. But, hey, in case of the latter, you might become completely content with the mediocre effort you've put into your assignments and the C's you'll mostly likely get on them. Just remember: C's get degrees!
Also, I heard a rumor that the Williamstown Rite Aid has run out of Ritalin. I'm foreseeing mass panic in the near future. In the meantime... #goodthingialreadyfilledmyprescription #thanksdrminer #iknowthisisnttwitter #imjustpracticing
You know the drill. Email. Twitter. Blah blah blah.
P.S. Contemplating using one of those pay-for-some-poor-Harvard-student-to-write-your-essay websites (so glad I'm not poor right now). What is the general consensus on these? Comment and weigh in... interested in all of your opinions
Yes keep posting over the summer.