Wednesday, July 27

Holy Shit

Ok, everyone breathe. This is not a real post. I don't like to work at all during the summer. This includes posting.

I've been doing this instead. Suck it, ass-faces.

Don't worry, I will be back to posting once my Williams life re-starts this fall. Who knows, maybe I'll start a little earlier so I can give all the nervous incoming frosh something to shit their pants over.

Anyway, I just finished contributing to a NESCAC dictionary ('cactionary... so witty) for the awesomely awesome blog inthecac. You can check out the Williams page here. That's where you assholes come in. If you have anything to add to my definitions, email, comment, or tweet me. Otherwise, bask in the glory of my triumphant return to online blogging.

And remember kids, above all else: life, liberty, and the pursuit of illegal substances.